Programs and degree options
PROGRAM OPTIONS: Major, Astronomy | Combined Honours, Physics and Astronomy
Atmospheric Science
PROGRAM OPTIONS: Major or Honours, Atmospheric Science | Combined Honours, Atmospheric Science and Computer Science | Co-op
PROGRAM OPTIONS: Major or Honours, Biochemistry | Co-op
PROGRAM OPTIONS: Major or Honours, Biology | Honours, Animal Biology | Honours, Cell and Developmental Biology | Combined Major or Combined Honours, Computer Science and Biology | Honours, Conservation Biology | Honours, Ecology and Environmental Biology | Honours, Evolutionary Biology | Honours, Marine Biology | Honours, Plant Biology | Combined Honours, Chemical Biology (See Chemistry) | Combined Major or Combined Honours, Biology and Oceanography | Co-op
PROGRAM OPTIONS: Honours Biophysics
PROGRAM OPTIONS: Honours, Biotechnology
PROGRAM OPTIONS: Major or Honours Biology Plant Biology
Cellular and Physiological Sciences
PROGRAM OPTIONS: Major Cellular, Anatomical and Physiological Sciences | Co-op
PROGRAM OPTIONS: Major or Honours, Chemistry | Combined Honours, Chemistry and Mathematics | Combined Honours, Chemical Biology | Combined Honours, Chemical Physics (See Physics) | Combined Honours, Chemistry and another science subject | Co-op
Cognitive Systems
PROGRAM OPTIONS: Major Cognitive Systems: Cognition and Brain | Major Cognitive Systems: Computational Intelligence and Design
Combined Major in Science
Computer Science
PROGRAM OPTIONS: Major or Honours, Computer Science | Major or Honours, Computer Science (with Software Engineering option) | Combined Major and Honours, Computer Science and Biology | Combined Major, Computer Science and Another Science Subject | Combined Major or Honours Computer Science & Microbiology and Immunology | Combined Major and Honours, Computer Science and Mathematics | Combined Major and Honours, Computer Science and Physics | Combined Major and Honours, Computer Science and Statistics | Combined Major, Computer Science and Chemistry | Co-op
Data Science
PROGRAM OPTIONS: Major, Data Science
Earth and Ocean Sciences
PROGRAM OPTIONS: Major, Earth and Ocean Sciences | Co-op
Environmental Sciences
PROGRAM OPTIONS: Major or Honours, Environmental Sciences
Forensic Science
PROGRAM OPTIONS: Combined Honours, Biochemistry and Forensic Science | Co-op
Geographical Sciences
PROGRAM OPTIONS: Major, Geographical Sciences
Geological Sciences
PROGRAM OPTIONS: Major Geology | Honours, Geological Sciences | Combined Honours, Geology and another subject | Co-op
PROGRAM OPTIONS: Major or Honours, Geophysics | Combined Honours, Geophysics and another subject | Co-op
Integrated Sciences
PROGRAM OPTIONS: Major or Honours, Integrated Sciences | Co-op
PROGRAM OPTIONS: Major or Honours, Mathematics | Major, Mathematical Sciences | Combined Major, Mathematics and Economics | Combined Major, Computer Science and Mathematics (See Computer Science) | Combined Honours, Mathematics and another subject | Co-op
Microbiology and Immunology
PROGRAM OPTIONS: Major or Honours, Microbiology and Immunology | Combined Major or Combined Honours, Computer Science and Microbiology and Immunology | Biotechnology in Microbiology and Immunology | Co-op
PROGRAM OPTIONS: Combined Major: Oceanography and Chemistry | Honours, Fisheries Oceanography | Combined Honours, Oceanography and another subject
PROGRAM OPTIONS: Major or Honours, Pharmacology | Co-op
PROGRAM OPTIONS: Major or Honours, Physics | Honours, Biophysics | Combined Honours, Physics and Astronomy | Combined Major, Computer Science and Physics | Combined Honours, Physics and another science subject | Combined Honours, Chemical Physics | Combined Honours, Physics and Mathematics | Co-op
PROGRAM OPTIONS: Major or Honours, Statistics | Combined, Major Statistics and Economics | Combined Major or Combined Honours, Computer Science and Statistics | Combined Honours Mathematics and Statistics | Co-op
PROGRAM OPTIONS: Major or Honours Biology, Animal Biology