Planning Your Degree

You can pursue a Combined Major in Science or a major, honours, combined major, combined honours or double major across a wide range of specializations. In addition, you can apply for a minor. And as if that wasn't enough, there are co-op and student exchange program options that help to round out your university experience.

When choosing your courses

Don't overextend yourself. Make sure that you have enough time and energy to devote to them. Take a reduced course load, if necessary. Completing four successful courses in a term is better than taking more and failing. If you pass a course in UBC Science, you won't be able to repeat the course for higher standing. UBC offers many exciting courses—choose some purely out of interest! You’ll find it easier to get through the tough courses if you're also taking classes you’re passionate about. Remember, there's more than one path to medicine, law, or grad school.

Important Credit Minimums per Session

  • 27 credits to enter into an Honours program in later years (or continue in one)
  • 24 percentage-graded credits to be eligible for scholarships the next year
  • 18 credits to be eligible for UBC student residence (9 per term)
  • 15 or more credits of first-year Science coursework (see promotion requirements)
  • 18 credits to be eligible for BC student loans (9 per term)

Credit Exclusions

These are courses where there's enough overlap that credit can be obtained for only one selection. Two courses overlapping doesn't mean they're interchangeable! Program specializations may require a specific course selection. See the list.

Note: Refer to your Academic Progress Report in Workday to track your degree progress. This is not available to students in Integrated Sciences, General Science and those pursuing a second degree program. 

Navigate Your Degree by Year

Getting Started

Are you entering your first year at UBC Science? Are you a transfer student—from a different faculty or institution? Visit here for steps to guide you through your first year at UBC.

Getting Started

Moving to Second Year

Students in their undergraduate degree will apply for a specialization in their second year (first year, if you are a transfer student). Visit here for more details on specializing.

Moving to Second Year

Graduation Year

It's your final year before graduation and you'd like to make sure that you've got all of your course requirements covered. You'll also want to ensure that you've applied to graduate. Visit here for details on tips for your final year of undergrad.

Graduation Year

Types of Degrees


There are many types of majors you can pursue in UBC Science—major, double major, combined major, honours and combined honours. UBC Science students select their major in June, after their first year.

Learn more about majors

Degree Requirements

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Musqueam First Nation land acknowledegement

We honour xwməθkwəy̓ əm (Musqueam) on whose ancestral, unceded territory UBC Vancouver is situated. UBC Science is committed to building meaningful relationships with Indigenous peoples so we can advance Reconciliation and ensure traditional ways of knowing enrich our teaching and research.

Learn more: Musqueam First Nation

Faculty of Science

Office of the Dean, Earth Sciences Building
2178–2207 Main Mall
Vancouver, BC Canada
V6T 1Z4
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