Degree Types: Majors, Combined Majors, Honours, and More

graduating student opening UBC booklet

There are many types of degrees you can pursue in UBC Science:

Students typically apply for a minor (secondary specialization) once they already have a primary specialization.


A major involves specialization in a single field, while allowing sufficient elective space to explore other areas. It may lead to graduate studies if you achieve sufficiently high standing.

When Do I Declare my Major?

UBC Science students select their major in June, once they reach second year class standing. In February and March, students attend informational workshops such as “Beyond First Year” and the annual “Meet Your Major” event to learn more about specializing.

Can I Change my Major after Declaring it?

Yes. Normally you would have to wait until the next winter session to change your major. Find next steps to change your specialization.

Requirements for a Major

  • Completion of a minimum of 120 credits (some programs require more)
  • 7 calendar years to complete your major

Double Major

A double major involves specializing in two fields. There are three double major options in Science:

  • Double Major, Both Majors in Science
  • Double Major, First Major in Science and Second in Arts
  • Double Major, First Major in Science and Second in Fine Arts

In a double major with both majors in Science, students must satisfy all the specialization requirements for each major, and all Faculty requirements for Science.

For Double Major in Science and Arts, the Arts requirement of the Faculty of Science degree can be satisfied by the courses taken to satisfy the Arts major requirements.

A double major may also lead to graduate study if sufficiently high standing is obtained.

More about Double Majors

Requirements for a Double Major

  • A BSc degree requires a minimum completion of 120 credits
  • Usually 130 to 150 credits are required to satisfy all requirements for a double major

Applying for a Double Major

Submit a completed application form to Science Advising. This would normally be done at the beginning of your third year, after you have been in your first Science major for a year.

Course Planning for Double Majors

Confirm your course plan and timing with an advisor for each major. Some courses are only offered in specific terms and you should ensure you’re taking the courses you need when offered to complete your requirements. You may then need to plan some of your other courses around these Science courses.

Course Change Forms

If you need to make any changes to your previously approved course plan for your Double Major specialization, you must submit a Course Change Form to Science Advising.

Combined Major

A combined major involves specialization in two fields, but students complete defined combinations of the degree requirements of two programs in the Faculty of Science. Consult the program specialization options in the UBC Academic Calendar to view which combinations are available. This program may lead to graduate study if sufficiently high standing is obtained.

More about Combined Majors

Honours and Combined Honours

Honours usually involves intense specialization in a single field or a combination of fields, and is the traditional route to take if you want to pursue graduate studies.

UBC Science Requirements for Honours

  • Completion of all courses attempted (e.g. no failed courses)
  • Completion of a minimum of 27 credits per winter session (often more are needed)
  • A minimum 68% average per academic session
  • Your department may have additional requirements (e.g. higher minimum sessional average)

More about Honours

Requirements for Honours

  • High academic standing
  • Preparation of graduating thesis in some cases
  • Completion of 132 credits, within 5 calendar years

When Do I Apply for an Honours or Combined Honours?

Some honours and combined honours specializations accept applications from students entering second year class standing; for these, the specialization will be one of the three you rank and submit through the BSc Specialization Application

Most honours programs accept students with sufficient progress once they are in third year class standing. Students already in a specialization and wishing to change to an honours or combined honours should review the departmental website for more information.

What if I want to Apply but Don’t Meet the Requirements?

If you’re interested in an honours specialization but do not meet these requirements (e.g. didn't complete 27 credits in your first winter session) you may request consideration for honours in an appeal to the Associate Dean of Students. This appeal may be submitted after you have demonstrated your potential for honours by completing at least one winter session with 27 or more credits at UBC and achieving the high academic standing expected in honours. Transfer students may also follow this procedure.

Your appeal should:

  • Be concise
  • Explain why you are seeking an honours specialization
  • Explain why you did not meet the honours requirements in a prior year

Upload your appeal and any additional supporting documents to Science Advising.

Musqueam First Nation land acknowledegement

We honour xwməθkwəy̓ əm (Musqueam) on whose ancestral, unceded territory UBC Vancouver is situated. UBC Science is committed to building meaningful relationships with Indigenous peoples so we can advance Reconciliation and ensure traditional ways of knowing enrich our teaching and research.

Learn more: Musqueam First Nation

Faculty of Science

Office of the Dean, Earth Sciences Building
2178–2207 Main Mall
Vancouver, BC Canada
V6T 1Z4
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