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  1. A prof giving a lecture to a full lecture hall.

    The Class I Want is Full! What do I do?

    A lot of registration changes happen in the first week or so of school, sometimes even right up until the add/drop deadline.Graduating Soon and Can't Get into the Course?If you're on track to graduate in May of this academic year, and one or more of your required courses is full, you have a right… read more

  2. Highlighted New and Updated Courses for 23W

    There are some new additions and replacements for courses offered by the Faculty of Science. Read on to learn about these highlighted courses.ATSC 413: Forest Fire Weather and ClimateWildfire hazards are increasingly threatening people living near the urban/forest interface. These threats are… read more

  3. Where You Sit Matters

    Which Seats Get the Best Grades? You might not give much thought to that person in front of you who is just checking their email or scrolling on social media, but that brief distraction could lower your grade. Dr. Wickenden joins SCI Team to share where to sit in the classroom.SCI TeamSCI… read more

  4. A view of 4 students working a table.

    To Take Summer Courses or Not, That Is the Question

    Summer can be your time to relax, but four months could be a little too much time! If you still have some energy left from the year, taking summer courses may not be a bad idea.Consider Some Reasons to Take Summer Courses1. Reduce Your Winter WorkloadBy taking summer courses, you can reduce your… read more

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  1. Students studying at a desk

    Study Hall

    Study Hall... just like in the movies - except with more (effective) studying. Looking for a study space and resources to maximize your potential with university-level academics? Science Study Halls are designed specifically for UBC Science students. Come for the dedicated study space,… read more

  2. Students studying on a laptop

    First Year Course Registration Webinar

    Getting ready to choose your courses for first year? Learn more through this webinar.About the WebinarBuilding from the First Year Course Registration information online, learn how to choose and register for your first year Science courses.Join Science Academic Advisors for details on how to… read more

Musqueam First Nation land acknowledegement

We honour xwməθkwəy̓ əm (Musqueam) on whose ancestral, unceded territory UBC Vancouver is situated. UBC Science is committed to building meaningful relationships with Indigenous peoples so we can advance Reconciliation and ensure traditional ways of knowing enrich our teaching and research.

Learn more: Musqueam First Nation

Faculty of Science

Office of the Dean, Earth Sciences Building
2178–2207 Main Mall
Vancouver, BC Canada
V6T 1Z4
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