- About the course schedule
- Course overview
- Required combinations of sections
- Find Credit/D/Fail courses
- Next steps
- Find support
About the course schedule
The course schedule can be found in Workday through your Academics app. There, click on the “Registration & Courses” tab at the top of the page. Then, click “Find Course Sections” under the “Registration” menu on the right-hand side.
Review the step-by-step guide with screenshots for finding course sections in the schedule.
You may notice future academic years listed in Workday, but the course schedule is published one year at a time and will not yet be available for future years. The Winter Session course schedule is typically published in early May.
Course overview
When you have filtered for course sections in the schedule, the results will give an overview of each section. This will include the section type (lecture, laboratory, etc.), open or closed status, delivery mode (in person, hybrid, etc.), credit amount, number of students enrolled, and waitlist capacity if applicable. The screenshot example below blurs the time and location but those are also details that will show.
Required combinations of sections
There are some sections that must be taken in certain combinations. For example, a lecture may require you to take a specific laboratory alongside it. The different types of sections (i.e., lectures, laboratories) are called instructional formats.
Workday will enforce these combinations, meaning you will not be able to register in one unless you register in all of them together. When you build a saved schedule, you will be shown an error if you have not included all the required sections. The error will say, “Your saved schedule is missing course sections that must be taken together. Before you register, add the sections that must be taken with: [section name]”. You can resolve the error by adding the other required section(s).
You can tell if there are additional required sections for a course you may be interested in through its section details where they will be stated under “Other Instructional Formats”. For example, a lecture section that you are viewing might list “Laboratory (Required)” as shown in the screenshot example below.
Find Credit/D/Fail courses
Credit/D/Fail courses are eligible electives that can be taken for Credit, D, or Fail standing, rather than percentage grades. You can learn more about this grading. Science students have specific considerations for choosing Credit/D/Fail. In Workday, filters used to identify courses eligible for Credit/D/Fail do not automatically apply the Science-specific considerations, so be sure to review the information for Science students first.
Courses that are eligible for Credit/D/Fail can be identified in Workday in the details of the course.
- In the course schedule, click the title of the course you’re interested in.
- You will be taken to an information page that lists all details about the course.
- Find the “Grading Basis” section. If it lists “Credit/D/Fail”, the course is eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.
You can review a step-by-step tutorial with screenshots on finding Credit/D/Fail courses.
You can also use the “Course Level/Tags” filter on the left-hand side of the course schedule to filter for “Course Standing Type: Credit/D/Fail”.
Next steps
After you have reviewed some courses that you’re interested in, you can read about saved schedules in Workday, including how to build one and how to register from one.
Find support
If you are having technical difficulties in Workday with the course schedule, contact your Enrolment Services Advisor.
If you would like to discuss your course load, drop into Science Advising. If you would like advice on specific courses for your specialization, contact your department advisor. Each department’s contact information can be found on their department website.