About saved schedules
A saved schedule is a way to draft your course schedule before registration. In Workday, you can create more than one saved schedule to choose courses you’re interested in, arrange them into a timetable, and decide which courses would fit into your preferred schedule.
A saved schedule is a planning tool; it does not register you into classes. When your registration appointment opens, you can register for all the courses in a saved schedule at the same time. Note that you must create a separate saved schedule for each term.
How to create a saved schedule
To view step-by-step instructions with screenshots on finding the course schedule then creating a saved schedule, follow the guide on the Workday Tutorials site. You can also review a guide on how to edit a saved schedule after creating it.
How to view a saved schedule
You cannot create a single saved schedule for both Term 1 and Term 2. You must create a separate one for each term. If you choose to register for courses directly from your saved schedule, you will first register from the saved schedule created for Term 1, then from the saved schedule created for Term 2. You can follow step-by-step instructions on how to register directly from a saved schedule.
Saved schedule errors
Always be sure to check your eligibilty before attempting to register in a course. If you attempt to register in a course that you do not meet the eligibility for, you will encounter an unsuccessful registration error message in Workday.
There are additional errors you may encounter related to your saved schedule. You can find an explanation on what each error means and what the resolution may be.
Next steps
After you register in classes, you may wonder about what to do if a class you want is full. You could join a waitlist if its available for that class. You can read about navigating waitlists in Workday, including how to determine if a waitlist is available, how to register in one, how to remove yourself from a waitlist, and what to do if you receive a seat offer.
Saved schedule support
If you encounter technical issues in Workday with creating a saved schedule, contact your Enrolment Services Advisor.
If you would like to discuss your degree progression and Science faculty requirements, drop into Science Advising. For topics around courses for your specific specialization, connect with your department advisor. Each department’s contact information can be found on their department website.