Second Undergraduate Degrees

Students with a recognized undergraduate degree may be eligible to pursue a BSc as a second degree, or the Bachelor of Computer Science.

Students with a recognized undergraduate degree may be eligible to pursue a BSc as a second degree, or the Bachelor of Computer Science. Students will not be permitted to undertake a second degree program that overlaps significantly with studies for a previously granted degree.

The pursuit of an honours, General Science, or Integrated Sciences program as a second degree is normally not permitted. Various departments in UBC Science have special requirements (such as having your program approved in writing). It is recommended to speak with the appropriate advisors early in your program.

Requirements for Enrolled Second Degree Students

  • Students must complete a minimum of 60 credits at UBC while enrolled in their second degree program
  • Students must satisfy all Faculty and program requirements
  • All upper-level Faculty and program requirements must be met through second degree credits only
  • Specific program requirements completed prior to commencement of the second degree may not be repeated, and must be replaced by additional courses in order to satisfy the 60-credit and upper-level requirements
  • The remaining degree requirements and course prerequisites can be satisfied by any combination of first- and second-degree credits
  • Any second-degree student who has not completed the Communication requirement upon admission must complete it within the first 30 credits completed at UBC

Sufficient Progress Requirements

Students with limited background for their chosen program may find it necessary to complete more than 60 credits to fulfill all degree requirements. Since no transfer credit appears on the transcript, students admitted to a second degree must consult with Science Advising and the appropriate department regarding specific second degree requirements prior to starting their program.

The standard progression requirements apply only to students admitted from high school or on transfer from another post-secondary institution. Students admitted on the basis of prior study (i.e. completion of a first degree) are subject to special progression requirements based on the class standing to which they were admitted.

Entering First Year

For students admitted into first year, promotion to 2nd year class standing requires completion of a minimum of 15 100-level Science credits (either with UBC credits or from prior study).

Entering Second Year

For students admitted into or progressed to 2nd year class standing, progression to 3rd year class standing requires completion of any of the following that were not met with prior study:

  • Minimum 3 credits of the Communication Requirement
  • Lower Level Science Requirements
  • A total of at least 30 Science credits

Entering Third Year

For students admitted into or progressed to 3rd year class standing, progression to 4th year class standing requires completion of:

  • Minimum 18 UBC credits, including any remaining part of the English requirement
  • Minimum 9 credits of Science courses numbered 300 or above

FAQ for Second Degree Students

I tried to register but my registration is blocked. Why am I blocked? It says I need to speak with Science Advising.

This is to go over second degree requirements (e.g., must complete 60 UBC credits or half the degree, a minimum of 48 upper level credits, 6 credits of First-year English if not completed in your first degree, etc.) Also, you need to be aware that your second degree specialization cannot have significant overlap with your first degree.

I’m trying to register for courses and Workday says I don’t have the pre-requisites. I have the pre-requisites from my first degree. What do I need to do?

Sometimes Workday will allow you to register for courses and give you a warning to check your prerequisites with the department. If you are unable to register for courses, you need to get approval from the department in which the course is offered.

Why am I in Year 2 when I already have a degree?

Progression from one class standing to the next is based on what courses you have completed towards your chosen specialization, not just on the total number of credits completed. Many 2nd degree students start their BSc in 2nd year class standing. However, it is possible to move from 2nd to 4th year class standing after one winter session. Check out UBC Science progression requirements.

How do I know if I have fulfilled requirements in my first degree?

You will receive an email from Science Advising with a Second Degree Assessment Checklist in August. Until you receive your checklist, you should register to the best of your ability based on your estimation of which requirements you completed in your first degree. Refer to the Academic Calendar for information about the Faculty requirements

I’ve completed courses as an Unclassified student. Can these courses be used towards my second degree?

Second degree students may request permission from the Associate Dean to count up to a maximum of 12 unclassified credits towards their second BSc degree but only if they are particularly relevant to the degree. Before requesting permission, please review the Second Degree Assessment Checklist sent to you by Science Advising in August. 

I didn’t take any English courses in my previous degree. Is that a problem?

You must take 6 credits of first-year English in your second degree.

When do I apply for a major?

Students with 1st year class standing do not have a specialization. Students admitted with 2nd or higher class standing, will be invited by email to apply through the specialization application once it is open. The deadline to apply is firm. Students who miss this application period will be provided with a very limited list of specializations to choose from. Find more information about the specialization application


Contact Science Advising

Musqueam First Nation land acknowledegement

We honour xwməθkwəy̓ əm (Musqueam) on whose ancestral, unceded territory UBC Vancouver is situated. UBC Science is committed to building meaningful relationships with Indigenous peoples so we can advance Reconciliation and ensure traditional ways of knowing enrich our teaching and research.

Learn more: Musqueam First Nation

Faculty of Science

Office of the Dean, Earth Sciences Building
2178–2207 Main Mall
Vancouver, BC Canada
V6T 1Z4
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