Summer 2025 Work Learn International Undergraduate Research Awards

November 22, 2024

Two people researching in a lab

ALERT - We have heard from some students that certain education services companies falsely claimed that they can help students find UBC research projects or positions on campus for a fee. We want to emphasize that this claim is false and fraudulent.

UBC has NO affiliation with any businesses providing education or tutoring services. Most importantly, at UBC students can freely access a variety of research opportunities. All research programs are administered directly by the offices of the University, and no third-party businesses are involved in any component of these programs, including the application process. If you are interested in knowing what opportunities or programs are available to you, please continue to read this page.

If you’re an international student, this summer 2025 program might be for you! Work on a full-time research project with a faculty supervisor, and grow your skills in communication and project management in a research environment over a minimum of 16 weeks. 

Note: it is your responsibility to ensure that you have the proper immigration documentation to be able to work in Canada.

How to Apply

Option 1: Recommended

Work with a faculty member to submit a joint proposal by Wednesday  Jan 29, 2025. Your supervisor will need to first create an account on UBC CareersOnline if they don’t have one yet, and then submit your joint proposal (refer to this step-by-step guide).  

The proposal is typically reviewed and considered by your supervisor’s home Department or Faculty. Please ensure to double check any additional requirements the Department or Faculty might have (refer to the Departmental or Faculty’s research awards info online, if available). For example, you might also be asked to apply to the Department, in addition to submitting a proposal via UBC CareersOnline 

The Department or your supervisor will notify you of the result of your application in March.  

Note that some Science departments may have an internal selection process to match their students with projects and funding programs; check out your Department’s research awards info online to learn more about Departmental policies or systems.  

Option 2:

Some funded projects may have open positions posted on UBC CareersOnline for interested students to apply between March 10 and 26, 2025. 

Next Steps and More Questions

Have further questions after checking the Work Learn International Undergraduate Research Awards program’s information? Contact the relevant office or Department:

General program inquiries: UBC Career CentreEmail contact or call 604 827 2937
Science-specific inquiries: Science Dean’s Office Email contact
Student study or work permit inquiries: International Student Advising Drop-in advising or call 604 822 5021


Science DepartmentUSRA Coordinator
BotanyAlice Liou
Chemistry Summer Research Awards
Molly Wang
Computer Science 
Computer Science Research Award Opportunities 
Josh Bruan
Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences Emma Liu
Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability (IRES) Kristen Eredics
Institute for the Ocean and Fisheries (IOF) Madeline Doig
Neil Maclean 
Mathematics Undergraduate Research Positions 
Allen Yang 
Microbiology and Immunology 
Microbiology and Immunology Financial Support 
Jiaojiao Lu
Dr. David Oliver 
Physics and Astronomy 
Physics & Astronomy Undergraduate Summer Research Awards 
Shawn Salgadoe
Statistics Summer Undergraduate Research Assistants 
Mairéad Roche
Zoology Undergraduate Research Opportunities 
Mimi Yu

Other Major Research Award Programs for Undergrad Students 

The information regarding 2025-2026 NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Awards (USRA) and Summer 2025 Science Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) Awards will be available in the new year. Stay tuned and keep an eye out in the Distillation newsletter. 

Musqueam First Nation land acknowledegement

We honour xwməθkwəy̓ əm (Musqueam) on whose ancestral, unceded territory UBC Vancouver is situated. UBC Science is committed to building meaningful relationships with Indigenous peoples so we can advance Reconciliation and ensure traditional ways of knowing enrich our teaching and research.

Learn more: Musqueam First Nation

Faculty of Science

Office of the Dean, Earth Sciences Building
2178–2207 Main Mall
Vancouver, BC Canada
V6T 1Z4
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