Mark MacLachlan, Dean pro tem
The Dean of Science is the chief academic and administrative officer of the Faculty. For appointments please contact the Dean's Assistant.
Svetlana Minchenko, Senior Manager, Academic Initiatives and Administration
Manages the administrative organization and support staff of the Office of the Dean; works closely with the Dean to manage strategic priorities and drives a variety of academic projects and activities including the Faculty promotion and tenure review process, Department leadership searches and external reviews of the academic Departments.
P: 604-822-3518
E: minchenko@science.ubc.ca
Students + Academic
James Charbonneau, Associate Dean, Students
Responsible for managing undergraduate enrollment, administering undergraduate degree requirements including admissions, advancement and graduation; facilitating course registration and program planning including exchange abroad; overseeing course articulation with other institutions, supporting UBC Science Co-op, the International Student Initiative, First Nations initiatives, peer-to-peer learning, student engagement and leadership development; managing student awards, academic appeals and discipline.
P: 604-822-4214
E: adstudents@science.ubc.ca
For appointments please email: ugrad.admin@science.ubc.ca.
Cindy Nahm, Assistant Dean, Students
Responsible for undergraduate student strategic initiatives and oversight of undergraduate student services in the Faculty of Science. Provides leadership for enrollment management, awards and scholarship, recruitment and retention. Responsible for initiatives and programming such as STEM outreach, Indigenous student initiatives, student engagement, student systems renewal and matters related to academic integrity, academic evaluation and concessions.
P: 604-822-2509
E: cindy.nahm@ubc.ca
Jaclyn Stewart, Associate Dean, Academic
Responsible for the Faculty's curriculum process; Science One, Coordinated Science, Integrated Science, Combined Major in Science, inter-faculty programs, and Science 101; the Skylight Science Centre for Learning and Teaching; Science Killam Teaching Prizes, Killam Graduate Teaching Awards, and Student Experience of Instruction surveys; and Indigenous academic initiatives.
P: 604-827-0043
E: stewart@science.ubc.ca
For appointments please email: ugrad.admin@science.ubc.ca.
Research + Innovation
Curtis Suttle, Interim Associate Dean, Research and Graduate Studies
Responsible for issues related to research and graduate student matters, including faculty and graduate student awards, Canada Research Chairs, Canadian Foundation for Innovation, space, conflict of interest, intellectual property, and ethics review.
P: 604-822-9652
E: suttle@science.ubc.ca
Faculty + Equity
Susan Allen, Associate Dean, Faculty
Responsible for the Faculty’s promotion and tenure reviews, faculty retention efforts, dual career positions, and peer evaluation of teaching initiatives.
P: 604-822-4213
E: sallen@science.ubc.ca
Stephanie van Willigenburg, Associate Dean, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
Responsible for a broad range of issues related to equity, diversity, and inclusion, including leading faculty diversity initiatives related to women, racialized minorities, LGBTQ+ people, Indigenous people and people with disability.
Operations + HR
Jenny Lum, Assistant Dean, Finance, Resources and Operations
Works closely with the dean and executive management, including associate deans and unit heads, in the area of strategic resource management, operations, policy implementation and change management.
P: 604-822-9868
E: jenny.lum@ubc.ca
Glenn Sammis, Director, Health and Safety
Provides leadership, communication, and strategic planning for Health and Safety initiatives across the Faculty of Science; oversee health and safety activities among Science departments and between Science departments, Department or building health and safety committees and UBC Risk Management; chairs the Faculty’s Joint Health and Safety Committee; implements health and safety solutions for all Science students, staff and faculty to support the long-term education, research, and administrative goals of the Faculty
Laura Lockyer-Cotter, Assistant Dean, Human Resources
Responsible for providing leadership and direction on human resources issues for faculty, staff and students appointees within the Faculty of Science, and for providing leadership to the Dean’s office administrative staff.
P: 604-822-0220
E: laura.lockyer-cotter@science.ubc.ca
Anthony Winstanley, Director, Information Technology
Provides leadership, communication, and strategic planning for IT initiatives across the Faculty of Science; coordinates IT services among the Faculty of Science departments, UBC IT, and other university IT groups.
P: 604-757-4568
Allan Berezny, Assistant Dean, Development and Alumni Engagement
Responsible for engaging our alumni and the community to invest in research, students and projects in the Faculty of Science.
P: 604-822-8686
E: allan.berezny@ubc.ca
Chris Balma, Director, Communications
Responsible for the development and execution of the Faculty's strategic communication program, the delivery of targeted messaging across electronic, print and social media. These include websites, electronic newsletters, donor vehicles, student collateral, and media.
P: 604-822-5082
E: balma@science.ubc.ca