Degree Requirements

Students must fulfill both Faculty and specialization-specific requirements in order to progress through their degree. The ultimate guide to these requirements is the UBC Academic Calendar, but we hope this section of the website helps you advance smoothly.

Basic Credit Requirements

To graduate with a BSc you must meet all Faculty requirements, continuation, communication, and sufficient progress requirements. On top of that, your specialization will have specific requirements too.


Number of Credits

Total Credit Requirements120 credits
Upper Level RequirementMinimum 48 credits in upper level courses numbered 300 and above (including minimum 30 upper level credits in Science courses)
Lower Level RequirementVarious 100-level courses within specific fields of study
Science and Arts Requirement

At least 72 credits must be in Science courses

Minimum 12 credits in the Faculty of Arts, not including any English courses used to fulfill the Communication Requirement

Science Breadth RequirementStudents in a major or honours specialization must successfully complete at least 3 credits from any 6 of the 7 categories (Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Life Science, Statistics, Computer Science and Earth & Planetary Science). Students in a combined major or combined honours specialization must successfully complete at least 3 credits from any 5 of the 7 categories.
Communication RequirementMinimum 6 credits of communication coursework must be completed before promotion to 4th year class standing

Minors, Second Majors and Honours

Different requirements apply for students adding a minor or a second major in Science to their program or for students in an Honours program. For example, honours students must obtain a minimum of 132 credits, and at least 42 of the 48 upper level credits must be in Science. Please review the Science Breadth Requirement as this requirement is different for Combined Major or Combined Honours specializations. Check with your program for exact requirements.

More Details on Requirements

Communication Requirement

All Science students entering in Fall 2024 must fulfill the communication requirement through SCIE 113. For students who have entered Science before Fall 2024, please make sure to check to ensure that you have met the requirement.

Communication Requirement

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Musqueam First Nation land acknowledegement

We honour xwməθkwəy̓ əm (Musqueam) on whose ancestral, unceded territory UBC Vancouver is situated. UBC Science is committed to building meaningful relationships with Indigenous peoples so we can advance Reconciliation and ensure traditional ways of knowing enrich our teaching and research.

Learn more: Musqueam First Nation

Faculty of Science

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Vancouver, BC Canada
V6T 1Z4
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