Summer 2025 Enhanced Science Undergraduate Research Experience Awards

March 11, 2025

students examining a tree trunk for research purposes

The UBC Vice-President, Research and Innovation (VPRI) office has committed a total of $2 million over the next four years to UBC Vancouver Faculties to support undergraduate research.  

The Faculty of Science Dean’s Office has received an additional $100,000 this year to expand the Faculty of Science’s SURE Awards program for Summer 2025. As a result, we’re very pleased to introduce our new program with expanded eligibility — the Enhanced Science Undergraduate Research Experience (EnSURE) Awards.


  • Available for projects where either you or your supervisor (or both) are from the Faculty of Science. For example, Science supervisors may hire non-Science students; Science students may also work with a non-Science supervisor
  • Available to both full-time and part-time research projects

Student Eligibility

  • Undergraduate students at the Vancouver campus
  • International students must have the proper immigration documentation to be eligible to work in Canada over the summer
  • You may hold only one award from the following programs: NSERC USRA, WLIURA, SURE and EnSURE

Faculty Eligibility

  • Faculty supervisors at the Vancouver campus who are eligible to supervise undergraduates. We especially encourage supervisors that may not be eligible for NSERC USRA to apply 


Working Hours and Subsidy Details

  • Full-time research projects (35 hours per week) must have a duration of 8 to 16 consecutive weeks:
    • Subsidy: $3,000 for 8 to 11 weeks; $3,500 for 12 weeks or longer
  • Part-time research projects are limited to 10—20 hours per week and run for at least 8 consecutive weeks (but no more than 16 weeks):
    • Subsidy: $10 per hour
  • EnSURE is a funding match subsidy: Supervisors are required to provide matching funds on a 1:1 basis towards the student salary. The student salary must also meet the BC minimum wage standards (currently $17.40 per hour; $17.85 per hour as of June 1, 2025)
    • Example: 8-week full-time (35 hr/wk) project total student salary is approx. $5,700 
      35 hours per week @ $20.44/hr ($17.85 plus 14.47% required benefits - e.g., vacation pay, EI, CPP, WorkSafe, and BC EHT)  
      $3,000 EnSURE subsidy + $3,000 funding match from supervisor = $6,000
    • Example: 8-week part-time (10 hr/wk) project total student salary is approx. $1,635 
      10 hours per week @ $20.44/hr ($17.85 plus 14.47% required benefits - e.g., vacation pay, EI, CPP, WorkSafe, and BC EHT) less $10/hr EnSURE subsidy = $10.44/hr funding provided by supervisor

How to Apply

Note: Applications for the EnSURE Awards are submitted directly to the Dean’s Office; it is important that you follow the directions below and not the information for the original SURE awards 

  • Departments may submit proposals which have been reviewed but have not yet been matched with any funding on behalf of their faculty members
  • Faculty members who haven’t applied to their Departments may apply directly to the Science Dean’s Office
  • Supervisors will be asked to provide a brief outline of the research project and the project format (e.g., full-time or part-time, weekly work hours, the project length, etc.), and indicate whether an internal candidate has been identified
  • Students may work with a faculty member to prepare a joint proposal, but the application must be submitted by the faculty supervisor


Stage 1 
Central call for applications (or research projects) Deadline Monday, March 24th 
Funding announcement In the first two weeks of April 

Stage 2: If there are vacancies for funded positions 
Students are invited to apply for open, funded positions via a centralized application process managed by the Dean’s OfficeMid-late April 
Student applications are forwarded to supervisors for review and selection Late April – early May 

Student Appointment and Reimbursement

Award holders will be hired as undergraduate research assistants. Supervisors will be reimbursed after the student appointment ends (in September or October 2025).

Have Questions? 

If you have any questions, please contact the Dean’s Office.



Musqueam First Nation land acknowledegement

We honour xwməθkwəy̓ əm (Musqueam) on whose ancestral, unceded territory UBC Vancouver is situated. UBC Science is committed to building meaningful relationships with Indigenous peoples so we can advance Reconciliation and ensure traditional ways of knowing enrich our teaching and research.

Learn more: Musqueam First Nation

Faculty of Science

Office of the Dean, Earth Sciences Building
2178–2207 Main Mall
Vancouver, BC Canada
V6T 1Z4
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