What to Expect After Submitting a Deferred Standing Request

Please review this page carefully. You are expected to know all of the information contained on this page and to have taken action as appropriate.

Overview of Deferred Standing Request

If you have additional supporting documentation to submit, you have 14 calendar days to submit the files online using the Additional Documentation Form. The link to this form is in the confirmation email you received after submission of your Deferred Standing (SD) request. You must retain all original documents.

It is normal for the review of a Deferred Standing request to take a minimum of ten business days.

If you change your mind and write the exam, please contact Science Advising right away.

How Will I Know if My Request Is Granted?

Once the final exam period has ended, you can check your grades in Workday. If you see an “SD” designation beside the course, this means that your request was granted.

What Happens if My Request Is Denied?

You will be notified by email if your request is denied. In this case, your grade in the course will be calculated using a grade of zero for the final exam. An academic concession in the form of “Standing Deferred” will be denied if you:

  • Are not in good academic standing in the course
  • Are not in good academic standing overall (i.e. in other courses)
  • Have requested academic concessions previously and are not eligible for more
  • Are deemed to have insufficient reason for missing the exam

A written appeal for a denied request may be delivered to Science Advising, addressed to the Associate Dean Students, no later than five calendar days after notification of the denial.

Your Responsibility for Writing a Deferred Exam

If you have been granted an academic concession, it is your responsibility to confirm the day, time, and place of the make-up exam. The department offering the course will decide the appropriate time for the exam and you are expected to write at the first scheduled time, which could be one of the following:

  1. Some term one courses host a make-up exam in early January. Check the available information regularly to confirm if your exam will be hosted then. You will need to take steps to confirm your seat at the exam.
  1. Some courses will have you write the exam with the next term’s class (e.g. in second term of the winter session). If this is offered, you must contact the department to make arrangements to confirm your attendance.
  1. During the official deferred exam period for summer or winter session courses. This is scheduled by Enrolment Services. You need to:
    • Make yourself available for the indicated dates and incorporate this into your planning. If you miss the scheduled make-up exam, you will receive a zero on the assignment/final exam
    • Ensure your email address is always up to date on Workday
    • Follow up with Enrolment Services in advance if you have questions

All winter session deferred exams must be completed no later than the following August 17.All summer session deferred exams must be completed no later than December 25 of the same calendar year. Requests for an extension of a deferred exam will not normally be granted.

Obligation to Prepare for Exams  

It is your responsibility to review course material and consult the department and/or instructor to determine if there are any changes in curriculum that will be reflected in the deferred exam.

Your focus must be on completing your deferred exams. We strongly recommend reducing your course load for upcoming terms until your deferred exams are resolved.

Plan to maintain study time and your knowledge in this course as part of your workload in any future terms. It is not easy to keep up the knowledge and appropriately self-study.

We strongly recommend that you download relevant materials from Canvas before the end of term. You will not have continued access to the course in Canvas after the term ends.

Missed Deferred Exams

If you do not write the required deferred exam, the “SD” standing will be removed from your academic record and your grade in the course will be calculated using a grade of zero for the final exam.

Find the Support You Need

The nature of valid grounds for an academic concession means that it’s possible that something out of the ordinary is going on in your life. If your request isn’t related to reasons like food poisoning or a broken arm, it might make sense for you to check out UBC resources that are appropriate for your circumstances, including UBC Health and Wellbeing resources or the UBC Centre for Accessibility.

If You Have Questions

If you have additional questions, visit Science Advising during drop-in hours. Questions about academic concessions and deferred exams require an in-person or virtual conversation with an advisor.

Musqueam First Nation land acknowledegement

We honour xwməθkwəy̓ əm (Musqueam) on whose ancestral, unceded territory UBC Vancouver is situated. UBC Science is committed to building meaningful relationships with Indigenous peoples so we can advance Reconciliation and ensure traditional ways of knowing enrich our teaching and research.

Learn more: Musqueam First Nation

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V6T 1Z4
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