Graduation Year

  1. Continuation and Academic Standing Requirements

     At the end of every academic session — Winter and Summer — students are assessed for eligibility to continue based on their sessional average. Your academic standing is based on your sessional average. Most students will be in good standing, but some may be assessed Academic Probation or… read more

  2. Confirmation of Graduation, Status Letters

    Request Confirmation of Graduation, Confirmation of Student Status or Other LettersFor graduation confirmation letters, include your expected graduation month and year on the form. You'll be emailed when the letter is finished. You can also use the form to ask Science Advising for letters regarding… read more

  3. Degree Types: Majors, Combined Majors, Honours, and More

     There are many types of degrees you can pursue in UBC Science:MajorCombined MajorDouble MajorHonours and Combined HonoursDual DegreeStudents typically apply for a minor (secondary specialization) once they already have a primary specialization.MajorA major involves specialization in a single… read more

  4. Dual Degrees

     A Dual Degree offers qualified students the opportunity to earn a Bachelor of Science and another Bachelor’s degree concurrently. Students in the BSc degree can pursue a Dual Degree in:Science and Arts (BSc and BA) Specializations for each degree can be a Major or Combined Major only (e… read more

  5. Minors

     BSc students may minor in Arts, Commerce, Kinesiology, Land and Food Systems, or another Science specialization.A minor involves taking courses in Science but outside the main area of specialization, or in another faculty (Arts, Land and Food Systems, Commerce, or Kinesiology). It allows you… read more

  6. Second Undergraduate Degrees

     Students with a recognized undergraduate degree may be eligible to pursue a BSc as a second degree, or the Bachelor of Computer Science.Students with a recognized undergraduate degree may be eligible to pursue a BSc as a second degree, or the Bachelor of Computer Science. Students will not be… read more

  7. Faculty of Science Indigenous Student Services and Support

    Through the work of our Academic Advisor, Indigenous Students, our faculties engage in outreach, recruitment, and student retention work with Indigenous students. In this work we aim to build long lasting relationships with Indigenous youth throughout their education into their careers.Services and… read more

  8. Graduation Year

    In your final year at UBC Science, you'll want to makes sure that you've met all of the requirements to complete your specialization and apply for graduation. Grad ChecksScience Advising will conduct preliminary graduation checks for all final year students to review their Faculty requirements… read more

  9. Degree Requirements

    Students must fulfill both Faculty and specialization-specific requirements in order to progress through their degree. The ultimate guide to these requirements is the UBC Academic Calendar, but we hope this section of the website helps you advance smoothly.Basic Credit RequirementsTo graduate with… read more

Musqueam First Nation land acknowledegement

We honour xwməθkwəy̓ əm (Musqueam) on whose ancestral, unceded territory UBC Vancouver is situated. UBC Science is committed to building meaningful relationships with Indigenous peoples so we can advance Reconciliation and ensure traditional ways of knowing enrich our teaching and research.

Learn more: Musqueam First Nation

Faculty of Science

Office of the Dean, Earth Sciences Building
2178–2207 Main Mall
Vancouver, BC Canada
V6T 1Z4
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