Want to know more about summer course registration? Here’s a quick overview.
When is the summer session and how is it different from the winter session?
There are two terms in the summer session, one from May to June, and the other from July to August. Since the summer terms are significantly shorter than the winter terms, lectures will be longer and fast-paced, and workload will be more intense. For this reason, we recommend that you take one course per term, or a maximum of two courses, in the summer.
Is it mandatory to take courses during the summer session?
It is not required to take courses over the summer, but you can choose to balance your course load by taking fewer courses during the winter session and adding some during the summer session. Remember to meet courseload requirements if they apply to you (e.g. Housing, Loans, Honours). Check out this blog post to find out whether registering in summer courses is right for you.
How can I view the course schedule for the summer session?
When you are planning your courses for the winter session (e.g., 2024 Winter), you can use the current summer course schedule (e.g., 2023 Summer) as a general guide of what could be offered next summer (e.g. 2024 Summer). Many courses are offered regularly in the summer, so this can provide some assistance for decision making. Please note: There is no guarantee that courses available this summer will also be scheduled next summer.
When can I register for the summer session?
You will receive an email notifying you of your summer session registration appointment around late February.
More Questions?
Check out other resources related to registration. If you still have unanswered questions, reach out to Science Advising.