BC’s latest Rhodes Scholar sets sights on immunology at Oxford

A UBC microbiology and immunology student, and coach of the UBC Nordic Ski team, has been named the 2016 Rhodes Scholar for British Columbia.

The scholarship will allow Robert Ragotte to pursue post-graduate studies at Oxford, where he intends to study Infection, Immunology, and Translational Medicine.

“Ever since I learnt the basics of human immunology, I thought that the ways by which humans can generate immune responses to a pathogen we have never encountered is a remarkable evolutionary achievement,” he says. “Microorganisms run the world, so we should probably try to understand them.”

Aside from his studies in microbiology and immunology, Ragotte has had a long-time interest in sports. He was a competitive gymnast before he switched to skiing in high school.

“I was absolutely terrible in my first year skiing, but loved the sport regardless, so I stuck with it,” he says.

Oxford won’t offer many chances to ski, but there’s always rowing. Besides, Ragotte will likely be busy in the lab. He hopes to work as a clinician-researcher one day.
“The number of world-leading researchers and world-class laboratories at Oxford is matched by few other institutions. Pursuing a PhD in this environment will hopefully be fascinating, challenging and enlightening.”

The Rhodes Scholarships, established in the will of Cecil Rhodes in 1903, were designed to bring outstanding students from across the world to study at Oxford University, in the interests of promoting international understanding and public service. One student from every province is chosen each year.


“The number of world-leading researchers and world-class laboratories at Oxford is matched by few other institutions. Pursuing a PhD in this environment will hopefully be fascinating, challenging and enlightening.”

Geoff Gilliard