![Group of kids playing together](/sites/default/files/forteachers.jpg)
For Middle School Classes and Parents
Science Day Camp for Indigenous Students
The UBC Faculty of Science is proud to be one of the sponsors of the CEDAR Day Camp, a free day camp for Indigenous middle school students. The camp introduces campers to Indigenous heritage and academic life—they discover the links between science, forestry, the arts and the Indigenous ways of knowing through hands-on activities, demonstrations and events.
Connecting Girls with Computing: GIRLsmarts
A day-long computer science workshop for grade six girls designed and led by UBC Computer Science graduate students. GIRLsmarts provides CS students with a rewarding opportunity in teaching and outreach, while increasing awareness and computing fun for girls. Modules help students learn fundamental concepts in computer science and their relevance to the arts, biology and language.
Let's Talk Science
In support of the science literacy mandate of this national organization, student-led LTS programs at UBC Science pair student volunteers with school teachers, provide hands-on science activities in elementary schools, organize on-campus science challenges, and promote science education by visiting students in rural communities.
UBC Math Euclid Workshops: Grades Five to Eight
These one-and-a-half-hour workshops include a recess, and are designed to excite students about math. Programme includes interesting and challenging problems, group work, and discussion about careers in the mathematical sciences. There is usually one workshop presenter for every eight students.
GEER Up! Workshops
GEERing Up! UBC Engineering & Science for Kids offers six hands-on, interactive workshops for Grade K to 7 classes in Vancouver, Richmond, West Vancouver and North Vancouver! Instructors bring two-hour workshops straight to the classrooms with interactive demonstrations, activities, and take-home projects for students to create.
For High School Classes
CSI @ the LSI
Have your students ever wondered how CSI investigators on TV solve the crime? Or how that critical experiment is done to identify the suspect? CSI @ the LSI combines the techniques seen on a CSI-style TV show with a murder mystery. High school students are invited to explore science through this annual outreach activity. CSI @ the LSI introduces students to the field of research and the diverse career options for a trained researcher. Students are guided through various experiments by LSI graduate students and post-doctoral fellows.
Science Fairs
UBC Science is proud to host the annual Greater Vancouver Regional Science Fair (GVRSF). Each year more than 300 students from grades 7 to 12 showcase their innovative science projects on the University's Point Grey campus , with a group of selected winners going on to compete at the national and international levels. Participants go on lab tours across campus, experiencing the diversity that science has to offer and some of the amazing research opportunities at UBC. UBC Science supports the vision of the Science Fair Foundation BC: To build British Columbia's future by supporting science and technology education and by inspiring curiosity.
Pacific Museum of the Earth
Offers K-12 initiatives that provides resources on loan for teachers: rocks, minerals, audio-visual materials, curricula and lesson plans. The Museum's Teacher's Resource Centre is a room attached to the museum which can be booked for teachers.
Beaty Biodiversity Museum
The Beaty Biodiversity Museum is a great place to take your class. Our exhibits, activities, and lessons can support your classroom, whether you teach preschool, K-12, or post-secondary. Show your teacher federation or association ID for complimentary admission for you and one guest.
UBC Math Euclid Workshops: High School
Two-hour workshops for Grade 11 and 12 classes are held between January and May, and are designed to excite students about math. Programme includes introductions, interesting and challenging problems, group work, and discussion about careers and university programs in the mathematical sciences.
UBC SFU Calculus Examination
Offers students who learn differential calculus in high school a way to demonstrate their mastery of the subject and claim credit at a BC university. It is recognized by UBC, SFU, UVic, UNBC and the Ministry of Education. The exam is prepared by university faculty, based on the Provincial Calculus 12 Curriculum.
Physics and Astronomy Outreach
The Department leads a variety of UBC science-related camps for children of various ages. You can also find information about the Michael Smith Science Challenge exams, the Western Canada Physics Olympiad, the UBC Physics Olympics, and the Canadian Association of Physicists Prize Exam for high school students.
C21 - Physics Teaching for the 21st Century
Physics Teaching for the 21st Century is a resource for teachers who are interested in teaching physics concepts in real-world contexts. C21 provides articles, take-home experiments, lecture notes, problem sets and data sheets that allow teachers to relate physics concepts to their students with practical, relatable and realistic examples.
Physics in Action Video Series
The Physics In Action lesson series teaches high-school students about the physical sciences and shows them that physics, in addition to being fun and exciting, can lead to rewarding careers in Canada’s emerging knowledge-based economy.
ATLAS Masterclass
High school students unravel the mysteries of particle physics with lectures from active scientists and real data from particle physics experiments. At the end of each day, like in an international research collaboration, the participants join in a video conference for discussion and combination of their results.
Michael Smith Labs: Life Sciences Educational Programs and Conference
MSL's Advanced Molecular Biology Laboratory is a fully equipped research unit that specializes in educational programs and is in the fortunate position of being resourced to provide a superb learning environment complete with state of the art equipment. The Lab also runs a one-day conference for high school students.
Michael Smith Science Challenge
A national competition written by students in Grade 10 Science or lower. It emphasizes logical thinking, and covers material in the science curriculum common to all provinces. Named in honour of UBC's Nobel Prize Winner Dr. Michael Smith, the event is proudly sponsored by UBC Science and NSERC PromoScience.
Professional Development for Teachers
Michael Smith Labs Teacher Conferences
MSL's educational facilities offer two-day conferences for science teachers. Teachers interact with scientists, participate in science literacy activities, collaborate with other teachers, and build interactive activities for the classroom. Registration required.
Physics Teacher Workshops
Designed for both physics teachers and science teachers in general, the UBC Physics professional development workshop series was launched in 2008. Workshops feature hands-on activities that teachers can take back to the classroom immediately. Involves a modest supply fee.
Dual Degree in Math or Physics and Education
A new dual degree program for science students looking towards a professional career as teachers. This five-year program is a great opportunity professionally, and part of an effort to tackle a shortage of physics and math teachers across Canada.