BSc Specialization Application: Frequently Asked Questions

The application is now closed.

FAQ: General Questions

Can I complete the eligibility requirements to enter my chosen specializations over the summer?

No. The listed specialization application requirements must be completed before you apply.

Can I register for courses without a specialization?

Yes. However, keep in mind that eligible students who do not apply for a specialization may be at a disadvantage during registration, since some departments prioritize course seats to students in their specializations.

What if I’m not placed in one of my three choices?

This is typically avoidable—ensure you apply to three choices and have done your research to confirm your choices are reasonable for your completed coursework and sessional average. If you’re not placed in one of your three choices, we’ll reach out via email regarding next steps. It’s important that you check your email and respond quickly—the next steps are on a first-come, first-served basis.

What average do I need for each specialization?

The Faculty of Science provides historical BSc specialization admission information to help students with their BSc Specialization Admission application. Exact future admission averages cannot be predicted with this information since they vary due to shifts in students’ interests, changes in the number of available spaces in a specialization, and random factors. You can review this information here.

What if the exact program specialization I want isn’t listed?

Some specializations, like some Honours, have admission only through departmental processes. If a specialization that interests you isn’t listed here, review the current Academic Calendar to make sure it is still being offered. Then, apply to a major related to the specialization you’re interested in (e.g. major in the subject if you’re interested in honours in that subject) as part of the BSc specialization application. Once you are placed into that specialization, follow the instructions on the relevant department’s website to apply to the honours program.

What if the combined major I want isn’t listed?

Some combined majors only allow entry in third year and therefore aren’t part of this application. Examples include the Combined Major in Mathematics and Economics and many small combined honours specializations, such as Combined Honours in Mathematics and Statistics. See the full list of specializations in the BSc degree. For now, apply to at least one of the two majors you’re interested in. Check both departments for instructions on how to apply to the combined program.

If I don’t get into the specialization I want, can I take the courses it requires during winter session (while in another specialization) and apply to switch for third year?

Maybe. Depending on your registration date/time, you may be able to register in some or all of the courses required for your ideal specialization. However, you’ll also want to look at the courses required for your current program specialization—if you’re not successful in gaining entry to your ideal specialization next year and haven’t progressed in your assigned program specialization, you may find yourself in a situation where you’re not eligible to continue your studies. Do your research and make informed decisions about the level of risk you’re willing to take on. For example, if you reach 78 credits attempted and aren’t making progress in your program, you’ll be required to withdraw from the Faculty. Start your research by looking at promotion and Calendar requirements for the specialization you’re trying to switch to.

If I'm admitted to a specialization am I guaranteed to continue in this specialization?

If you successfully complete all the required courses for the specialization, generally the answer is yes. All students in the B.Sc. need to meet the Faculty of Science continuation requirements in the calendar. To stay in an honours specialization, you must meet the specialization and Faculty of Science honours requirements.

FAQ: Transfer Questions

I’m eligible to apply for a BSc specialization, but I've applied to transfer to another Faculty and I haven't heard back yet. Should I still complete the BSc specialization application?

Yes. Submit an application for a specialization so that if you don’t transfer, you’ll have a specialization. If you receive the outcome for your request to transfer before we notify you of the results, please email to withdraw your application so that we can place another student instead.

My application to transfer to UBC Science is still pending. Should I still apply for a specialization (e.g. major)?

Yes. If you’re waiting for an outcome regarding your UBC application, you still need to apply to the UBC BSc Specialization Application. If you’re offered admission to UBC Science, it’s an important step you need to have completed.

If I’m not accepted as a transfer student into the Faculty of Science until after the application closes, will you still put me into one of the three specializations I chose in the application?

When the application closes, we continue with the applications of all admitted students. If you are admitted after the application closes, please reach out to right away to learn what your options are. There may be a chance that we can consider your three choices if there is space in one of them (and you meet the requirements), but you may need to select from one of the specializations that still has room.

FAQ: UBC Science Co-op

Can you only apply to UBC Science Co-op in second year?

Great question. The best place to find answers about Co-op is the source itself. See the UBC Science Co-op Frequently Asked Questions for students.

If I don’t state that I’m interested in Co-op as part of the application, can I still apply to Co-op? If I do say I’m interested in Co-op, am I required to apply?

Your answer to this question helps us plan--it’s not a commitment from you. No matter what you answer, it will still be an option for you to apply (or not) to UBC Science Co-op.

FAQ: Honours

What are the requirements for admission to honours specializations?

An Honours BSc requires taking at least 27 credits in each Winter Session, passing all courses, and obtaining an average of at least 68%. Many require a higher average, and some require more than 27 credits. Refer to the UBC Calendar pages for the Science honours requirements and the Calendar pages for each honours specialization for details.

I don't see the honours specialization I want on the list. How can I apply?

Most honours specializations aren't part of the BSc specialization admission process—you apply directly to departments after obtaining a related specialization. For now, apply to the Major in the same field(s) for second year. While in second year, choose courses to meet the requirements of your desired honours. To find out specifics about switching from a Major or Combined Major into the parallel Honours or Combined Honours, look for information about the timing and process on the relevant department website(s) before you contact the department advisor(s) to inquire or ask more questions.

Step 3 - Select Your Three Choices

Musqueam First Nation land acknowledegement

We honour xwməθkwəy̓ əm (Musqueam) on whose ancestral, unceded territory UBC Vancouver is situated. UBC Science is committed to building meaningful relationships with Indigenous peoples so we can advance Reconciliation and ensure traditional ways of knowing enrich our teaching and research.

Learn more: Musqueam First Nation

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