MBIM, CAPS, and PCTH have coordinated application timing for third year admissions to ensure that students have relevant information to make informed decisions about their specialization and to ensure all seats in these high-demand specializations are filled.
To apply to more than one of these specializations, you must complete the relevant application(s) below separately.
Third year specialization change application forms for these specializations are due by May 5 at 11:59 pm. Late applications will not be accepted. For applications to CAPS, you must complete an interview by March 31 as part of the application process. See additional information about interviews on the departmental website(s). If you have questions about the application process for any of these specializations, consult the relevant departmental websites:
- MBIM: mbim.ubc.ca/programs/admission/undergraduate
- PCTH: apt.med.ubc.ca/education/undergraduate-program/
- CAPS: cps.med.ubc.ca/undergraduate/
Application Results
Applications are reviewed starting from May 6 each year.
Be sure to check your email throughout May and June. If you are offered a seat in one or more of these specializations, you will be informed by email. You will have 7 days to accept an offer, so be sure to check your email every 2 - 3 days. If you do not accept your offer, the seat will be offered to another student.
You will receive information about your application and any specialization change well in advance of your registration date so you will have time to plan your course schedule.
Note that by applying for Year 3 entry to one of these specializations, your application information will be shared among the faculty and staff in the three departments who manage Year 3 entry to each of these specializations. This is to facilitate coordination to ensure seats in these high-demand specializations are filled.
Access the Application
Microbiology and Immunology:
- For students in CAPS and PCTH that are interested in switching to MBIM
- For students in all other specializations that are interested in switching to MBIM
Cellular, Anatomical & Physiological Sciences: please fill out the CAPS Honours Specialization Application Form. Follow the instructions on the form no later than March 31 prior to your third year in your BSc program.
Pharmacology: please fill out the BSc Pharmacology Program Admission Form and send it to anae-pcth.ugmscphd@ubc.cano later than May 5, 11:59 pm prior to your third year in your BSc program.
How do I know if my application has been received?
- MBIM: The last page of the application will indicate that your application has been received.
- CAPS: you will receive an email from CAPS in response to your application.
- PCTH: you will receive an email from PCTH in response to your application.
What if I apply to more than one of these specializations and I get offers from both?
- You will need to decide and accept only one offer. If you are also applying to a specialization outside of these three and you decide to accept the other specialization, then please decline your offer to MBIM, PCTH, or CAPS so that you can be placed in the correct specialization.
Can I change my mind after I accept an offer?
- No. Once you accept an offer, your specialization will be changed to the new specialization and your seat in your old specialization will be offered to another student. It is important that you are sure about your decision.
What if I cannot decide by the due date?
- Discuss your concerns with Science Advising and/or departmental Advisors before the due date, so that you can make an informed decision. Typically, the department will be the best place to address questions about specific courses or academics. Science Advising will be the best place to discuss progress through your degree and different specialization options available to you. You may need to consult both these resources depending on your questions.
Can I re-apply next year, if I don’t get in this year?
- For HON CAPS, this is not possible. For PCTH and MBIM, this is unlikely and would delay your degree progress. Do your research on courses required for your current specialization and the one that you want. Be sure to also look at promotion requirements - including the maximum number of attempted credits you can take before you must be eligible for promotion - then discuss your findings and questions with a Science Advisor to determine whether parallel planning to reapply next year is an option for you.