
student studying

BSc students may minor in Arts, Commerce, Kinesiology, Land and Food Systems, or another Science specialization.

A minor involves taking courses in Science but outside the main area of specialization, or in another faculty (Arts, Land and Food Systems, Commerce, or Kinesiology). It allows you to focus your electives towards a particular subject or field of specialization. Science students apply directly to Science Advising via the links below, including for minors in another Faculty. 

UBC Academic Calendar | Minors

Deadlines for Minor Applications

  • The application periods for minors in Science, Arts (18 and 30 credit), & Land and Food Systems are from April 1 – May 15 & August 1 - September 30.
  • Applications for Minors in Computer Science, Kinesiology, Commerce, and Data Science are open from April 1 – May 15 only.
  • Students can apply for a minor once they have completed at least one winter session in 2nd year class standing or above. Students with 4th year class standing must apply prior to attempting more than 90 credits.

Science Minor: Minor in another Science specialization

Students in a major or honours specialization can pursue a minor in Science. Only courses recognized for credit in the Faculty of Science and acceptable for a science major in the proposed subject area can apply towards the minor. You must receive approval from your primary specialization (e.g., major, honours) advisor(s) and minor advisor via the form linked on the side of this page. You will upload the signed form as part of your application to Science Advising.

Application Periods: April 1 to May 15 & August 1 to September 30


  • Computer Science and Data Science accept applications during the spring period only.
  • Computer Science requires two steps to apply for the minor - the departmental application may have an earlier deadline than noted above. Students must also apply to the Faculty of Science by May 15 to ensure a complete application.


Minor in Science

Minor in Data Science

Arts Minor

Students should design a course of studies for their proposed Arts Minor, which must be approved by Science Advising by the end of Year 3.

18-credit Minor in Arts
Students must submit an application to Science Advising for review.

30-credit Minor in Arts
Students need approval from the appropriate department/program advisor in Arts (not the Arts Academic Advising Office) before submitting the application to Science Advising for review.

Application Periods: April 1 to May 15 & August 1 to September 30


Commerce Minor

Students apply for a Commerce Minor in Term 2 of their second year. You must be eligible for 2nd or 3rd year class standing in UBC Science the next September and have achieved an average of at least 60% in the current academic year. Some COMR courses are offered with 'flexible' online components and less frequent in-class sessions.

Application Period: April 1 to May 15


Kinesiology Minor

Students must have completed PHYS 100 or 101 and be eligible for 3rd year class standing in the Faculty of Science with a cumulative average of at least 68% in the previous two years, and be eligible to enroll in either CAPS 301(6), or BIOL 363(3) and 364(2).

Application Period: April 1 to May 15


Land and Food Systems Minor

A minor in Land and Food Systems may be undertaken by students in a major, honours, General Science, or Integrated Sciences program. 

Land and Food Systems (LFS) minors are available for Science students in the following specializations: 

  • Applied Animal Biology
  • Food and Resource Economics
  • Food Science
  • Nutritional Sciences
  • Sustainable Agriculture and Environment
  • Sustainable Food Systems
  • Fermentation

Application Periods: April 1 to May 15 & August 1 to September 30


Musqueam First Nation land acknowledegement

We honour xwməθkwəy̓ əm (Musqueam) on whose ancestral, unceded territory UBC Vancouver is situated. UBC Science is committed to building meaningful relationships with Indigenous peoples so we can advance Reconciliation and ensure traditional ways of knowing enrich our teaching and research.

Learn more: Musqueam First Nation

Faculty of Science

Office of the Dean, Earth Sciences Building
2178–2207 Main Mall
Vancouver, BC Canada
V6T 1Z4
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