Find collaborative research expertise
Centre for Artificial Intelligence Decision-making and Action
UBC's main AI research organization, CAIDA consists of over 100 professors and research associates spanning 27 units across the University. The Centre's focus is the development, analysis and application of AI systems for decision-making and action, enabled by machine learning and automated reasoning. Research by CAIDA members has implications for partners seeking expertise in single high-stakes decisions, medical diagnosis with clinician override, intelligent tutoring, advanced autopilots, closed loop control systems, and more.
Data Science Institute
DSI engages with data-rich problems faced by British Columbia’s life sciences, biotechnology, technology and resource sectors. The Institute is uniquely situated to build partnerships with non-profit organizations and companies on data science challenges, and to pursue joint research and development opportunities on data-rich problems.
Game Theory and Decision Theory Group
GTDT has made significant contributions to algorithmic game theory, multiagent systems and mechanism design. Research problems attacked by the group are therefore of great importance to e-commerce, auctions and advertising.
Human-AI Interaction Lab
Operating at the intersection of AI, human-computer interaction, and cognitive science, the HAII supports research in a range of critical emerging areas of AI. That includes personalized and explainable AI, leveraging eye-tracking data to train machine learning, user-adaptive information visualization, and AI-driven personalization in learning environments,
Institute of Applied Mathematics
IAM provides excellent opportunities for interdisciplinary research that combines mathematics with another field, including the physical, chemical, biological and engineering sciences. The Institute develops and applies mathematical and numerical methods to the practical industrial problems. Many IAM experts and students have been involved in collaborations with industry, providing expertise in fluid mechanics, image and data processing, and scientific computing.
Institute for Computing, Information and Cognitive Systems
ICICS promotes multidisciplinary advanced technologies systems research among its members and with industry. Research innovations realized by ICICS members are transferred through industrial partnerships via the University Industrial Liaison Office. Due to close relationships with industry, hundreds of US patents have been issued to ICICS members, and over 30 of these have been licensed by companies. ICICS graduate students think across disciplinary boundaries, making them highly adaptable and creative.
Networks, Systems and Security Lab
Conducts research in a wide variety of topics related to operating systems and distributed systems, often targeting software that is used to control and use collections of computers on fixed and wireless networks. Research in the NSS is supported by a number of industrial sources, including Cisco Systems, Intel Research, and Network Appliance.
Software Practices Lab
SPL researchers work—often with industry partners—to make real-world software development more productive, higher quality, and more fun. Current projects focus on programming language semantics, improving the productivity of software developers, and software architecture, Web-based systems, cloud computing, and aspect-oriented programming.
Related spin off companies
- Inverted AI
- Brightside Technologies
- Point Grey Research
- Motion Metrics International
- XCERT Software (Acquired by RSA Security)
- WebCT Educational Technologies (Acquired by Blackboard)
- Spark Integration Technologies
- TaskTop Technologies
- Optemo Technologies
- Scalable Analytics
- Mobify
- Tendemlaunch
- Curatio
- Coho Data
- Exotic Matter (Acquired by Autodesk)
- Cloudburst Research (Acquired by Google)