Academic Skills Certificate

Students » Academic Skills Certificate
Get ready for your first term at UBC Science

Wondering how to tackle the transition to university? The Academic Skills Certificate is a series of events and resources designed to help you recalibrate your study skills and techniques to thrive in university. Connect with like-minded students and peer leaders to get a better understanding of which study methods and strategies work best for you. Different science subjects necessitate different approaches for success!

UBC Science students who participated in programs like this increased their academic average by 5% from Term 1 to Term 2. That's a 3.5% increase compared to students who didn't participate. To earn the Academic Skills Certificate, participate in the following:

  • Engage in 3+ Study Halls
  • Meet with a member of the Science Peer Academic Coaches by November 17 for a coaching conversation
  • Take part in Start Off Strong at the end of September
  • Participate in Exam Success in 15 Minutes or Less in late November
  • Submit a brief reflection at the end of Term 1 - we'll email instructions to you in December
  • Research shows that you are more likely to thrive in university and have greater career clarity if you actively engage in your academic learning, reflect on your past academic experience and set SMART goals. You can use the Academic Skills Certificate to demonstrate your commitment to your personal and professional development.