UBC Science Research Grant Leaders Fund

RGLFs provide agile support to UBC Science faculty seeking to lead large, complex, multi-investigator proposals. Faculty members can apply to receive funding to buy out a course of teaching, to hire administrative support to develop complex proposals, or to offset other expenses related to proposal development.


Large research funding opportunities require substantial time and effort to coordinate and develop. Faculty typically have little institutional support for preparing these grants. The fund is intended to mainly serve researchers who do not have access to substantial support from other sources—and those building new team-based proposals that involve a large number of UBC Science researchers.


  • Rewarding and supporting faculty who lead large initiatives
  • Lowering barriers to apply for large, complex research grants
  • Increasing success rates for grant applications for large projects
  • Promoting excellence in research

Funding level 

  • Maximum $45,000 with 1/3 matched by researcher’s home unit

Eligible expenses

  • Teaching buy-outs
  • Administrative support for grant writing and coordinating proposals and partners
  • Personnel to aid in grant writing, consultants

Faculty member eligibility 

  • Full-time tenure or tenure-track faculty with a primary appointment in the Faculty of Science

Supported grants

Grants that are potentially eligible include (but are not limited to): 

  • NFRF Transformation Stream
  • Horizons Europe
  • Genome Canada
  • SSHRC Partnership
  • CIHR Team
  • Complex multi-institutional grants

Note: CFI grants are not eligible.

Selection process

Applications will be vetted by the Associate Dean Research and the Dean to ensure they meet criteria and are sufficiently complex. As long as the program is not oversubscribed, funding will be awarded to applicants who meet the criteria, have support from their head or director, and have matching funds from their department or institute. Decisions will typically be made within a few days.


  • The grant application must support the preparation and submission of a complete multi-investigator proposal that has a budget of more than $1 million
  • The proposal must be led by a UBC Science faculty member
  • Unit heads or directors must approve the application, including cost sharing
  • Diverse representation in project leadership is encouraged
  • The funding must be used to directly support the lead investigator in developing the proposal
  • The applicant must demonstrate they have limited access to support from other sources
  • Proposals that initiate a new research direction for the PI, or involve a new team, will be given priority

Application process

After downloading and completing the application, secure the approve of the appropriate unit head or director before submitting the application.

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis, and must include:

  • Tentative proposal title
  • Funding agency and program details, including value
  • Proposal submission details and timelines
  • Names of PI, co-PIs and other researchers involved
  • Estimate of number and types of HQP supported by the project
  • Value of total RGLF request and budget details
  • Approval from unit head and confirmation of matching fund 

Complete your RGLF application

Download the application

Submit your application to

Curtis Suttle
Interim Associate Dean of Research and Graduate Studies
Email: suttle@science.ubc.ca

Musqueam First Nation land acknowledegement

We honour xwməθkwəy̓ əm (Musqueam) on whose ancestral, unceded territory UBC Vancouver is situated. UBC Science is committed to building meaningful relationships with Indigenous peoples so we can advance Reconciliation and ensure traditional ways of knowing enrich our teaching and research.

Learn more: Musqueam First Nation

Faculty of Science

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Vancouver, BC Canada
V6T 1Z4
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