UBC Science offers guidance to Science faculty members in identifying potential funding sources, as well as practical support with the application process for major funding agencies. Faculty members in all Science departments and units are encouraged to contact Devin Lyons, Science Research Grant Facilitator.
- Regularly updated information regarding funding opportunities
- Advice and guidance on research grant proposal preparation
- Substantive review of proposal drafts and applications
- Facilitation of interdisciplinary collaborations and partnerships
- Information regarding signature requirements for grant submissions
Grant, Fellowship and Award Application Deadlines*
*Some listed dates are based on previous year's grant cycle or early announcements and are a rough estimate. Be sure to check program website to confirm current deadline dates
May (some dates yet to be updated for 2025) | |
May 1 | NSERC CREATE program (LOI, external) |
May 1 | SSHRC Connection Grants |
May 5 | CFI - John R. Evans Leaders Fund, June Application (Internal Review Deadline) |
May 6 | Genomics Innovation Fund |
May 6 | UBC Collaborative Research Mobility Awards (application deadline) |
May 13 | Health Research BC Convening & Collaborating (C2) (applicant deadline) |
May 13 | Peter Wall Legacy Awards - Wall Fellowships (application) |
May 13 | Health Research BC Rwach (applicant deadline) |
May 14 | Human Frontiers Postdoctoral Fellowships Program (LOI) |
May 15 | Canadian Statistical Sciences Institute Collaborative Research Teams (application deadline) |
May 20 | BC Knowledge Development Fund (BCKDF) for June JELF (Step 1 due to IPO) |
May 22 | BC Knowledge Development Fund (BCKDF) for Spring Partnership JELF (Application due to IPO) |
May 27 | UBC Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Seed Program (application deadline) |
May 29 | UBC Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Linkage Grants (application deadline) |
June (some dates yet to be updated for 2025) | |
Jun 2 | Genome BC GeneSolve (deadline Intake 6) |
Jun 6 | NRC Killam Prize (nomination deadline) |
Jun 10 | CGS-MSFSS Foreign Study Supplements Program (spring deadline) |
Jun 11 | National Science Foundation Global Centres: Bioeconomy (application deadline) |
Jun 10 | CFI - John R. Evans Leaders Fund, JELF, June Application (UBC IPO deadline) |
Jun 6 | NRC Dorothy Killam Fellowships (internal review) The Office of Research Prizes and Awards will offer reviews of application materials |
Jun 13 | NRC Dorothy Killam Fellowships (application deadline) |
Jun 14 | NSERC Discovery Horizons (LOI deadline) |
Jun 14 | NSERC: Alliance Quantum grants (application deadline) |
Jun 17 | NFRF Transformation (LOI) |
Jun 20 | SSHRC Connection Grants (application deadline) |
Jun 20 | NSERC Idea-to-Innovation (I2I) Grant |
Jun 20 | Killam NRC Paul Corkum Fellowship (application deadline_ |
Jun 26 | CFI - John R. Evans Leaders Fund, JELF, October Application (attraction candidates requiring renovations/retention candidates, UBC IPO registration) |
July (some dates yet to be updated for 2025) | |
Jul 5 | TRANSCAN -03: Translational research for new combination therapies against cancer: new opportunities for translational research (pre-proposal) |
Jul 9 | BC Knowledge Development Fund (BCKDF) for June JELF (Due to IPO) |
Jul 9 | Catalyst Grant: Development and Validation of New Biomedical Techniques and Technologies |
Jul 9 | Operating Grant : 17th JPIAMR transnational call for research projects (2024) |
Jul 11 | CIHR Catalyst Grant: Avian Influenza One Health Research (application) |
Jul 12 | Worksafe BC Analytical sampling methods for substances with an American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists Threshold Limit Value (application) |
Jul 24 | CFI - John R. Evans Leaders Fund, JELF, October Application (attraction candidates not requiring renovations, UBC IPO registration) |
August (some dates yet to be updated for 2025) | |
Aug 1 | NSERC SAP Research Tools & Instruments: Categories 2 & 3 (NOI) |
Aug 1 | Chemical Institute of Canada Awards (deadline) |
Aug 1 | NSERC: SAP Major Resources Support Program (NOI) |
Aug 1 | NSERC: Discovery Grant (including NSERC SAP; NOI - mandatory) |
Aug 14 | Catalyst Grant: Community Based Research in Climate Change Priority Areas (LOI) |
Aug 14 | CIHR Project Grant : Fall 2024 Priority Announcement (Specific Research Areas) (registration) |
Aug 17 | CIHR Fall 2023 Project Grant Competition (registration) |
Aug 18 | CFI - John R. Evans Leaders Fund, JELF, Fall 2023 Partnership CFI (UBC/IPO deadline) |
Aug 18 | Canada Research Chair (CRC) (Nomination or Renewal, UBC internal review) |
Aug 19 | Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology Global Research Outreach (Proposal Deadline) |
Aug 26 | Genome BC GeneSolve (EOI deadline Intake 4) |
Aug 27 | NFRF Exploration Grants (NOI) |
Aug 31 | E.W.R. Steacie Prize (nomination) |
December (some dates yet to be updated for 2025) | |
Dec 1 | Computer Science Canada Lifetime Achievement Award (nomination) |
Dec 17 | Canadian Association of Physicists Medals for Research (nominations due) |
Dec 1 | Canada Graduate Scholarships - Master's (CSG M) Program (application) |
Dec 6 | NSERC Synergy Award program (deadline) |
Dec 11 | CIHR Team Grant : CCNA Phase III: Research Teams (application) |
Dec 12 | NFRF Exploration Competition (full application due) |
Dec 14 | Arthur B. McDonald Fellowships (sponsor deadline - internal deadline passed) |
Dec 14 | Canadian Space Agency- Flights and Fieldwork for the Advancement of Science and Technology (FAST 2023) Call (application deadline) |
Dec 15 | Ministry of Health Research Seed Grant Program (application deadline) |
Dec 15 | SSHRC Partnership Engage Grants (application) |
- ACS - American Chemical Society
- BCKDF – BC Knowledge Development Fund
- CCSRI - Canadian Cancer Society Research Institute
- CFI – Canada Foundation for Innovation
- CGS - Canada Graduate Scholarships
- CHRP - Collaborative Health Research Partnership
- CIHR – Canadian Institutes of Health Research
- CRC – Canada Research Chair
- CRD - Collaborative Research and Development
- CREATE - Collaborative Research and Training Experience
- CRM - Centre de recherches mathematiques
- CUES - Community University Engagement Support
- CUFA - Confederation of University Faculty Associations
- CWSE - Chairs for Women in Science and Engineering
- DFG - Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
- HRBC – Health Research BC
- HFSP – Human Frontier Science Program
- IDRC – International Development Research Centre
- I2I – Idea-to-Innovation
- IF - Innovation Fund
- JELF - John R. Evans Leaders Fund
- JSPS – Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
- LOI – Letter of Intent
- MITACS - Mathematics of Information Technology and Complex Systems
- MSFHR - Michael Smirth Foundation for Health Research (now Health Research BC)
- MSFSS – Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplements
- NCE – Networks of Centres of Excellence
- NFRF - New Frontiers in Research Fund
- NIH - National Institutes of Health (USA)
- NOI – Notice of Intent [to apply for a grant] (equivalent to registration)
- NRCan – Natural Resources Canada
- NRSA - National Research Service Award (NIH Postdoctoral Fellows Program)
- NSERC – Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
- PDF - Postdoctoral Fellow
- PIMS - Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences
- PRF - Petroleum Research Fund
- PWIAS - Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies
- RTI - Research Tools & Instruments
- SAP - Subatomic Physics
- SOI - Statement of Interest
- SSHRC - Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
- TG - Team Grant