Research Services and Facilities

Applied Statistics and Data Science Group

Study design, analytic methodology, data wrangling, software development services.

Beaty Biodiversity Museum Collections Databases

Searchable herbarium, tetrapod, entomological and fish collections.

BioImaging Facility

Live cell and multi-photon imaging, advanced sample preparation for electron microscopy, TEM and SEM, cryoTEM, cryoSEM and TEM tomography.

Biological Services Laboratory

Large-scale analyses, material preparations and microbiological work.

Canadian Centre for the Culture of Microorganisms

Maintains living specimens of marine phytoplankton, freshwater microalgae and fungal isolates.

Cell Biology Media Image Database

High quality light microscopy, TEM and SEM images.

E-Flora BC

Electronic atlas of the plants of British Columbia.


Facilitates projects ranging from ecology and systematics to cell and developmental biology.

High Resolution NMR Spectroscopy

Offers research support and solution and solid-state data services.

Interfacial Analysis and Reactivity Lab

ToF-SIMS, XPS spectrometer, UV Raman microscope, profilometer and cryogenic sample preparation.

Mass Spectrometry and Microanalysis

Modern analytical instrumentation, providing most of the mass spectrometric techniques currently available.

Microbial Growth Media Service

Sterile microbial growth media room and services.

Nanofabrication and Cleanroom

Electron beam and optical lithography, thin film coating methods, electronic device fabrication.

Sequencing and Bioinformatics Consortium

High-throughput and Sanger sequencing, and genotyping services.

Pacific Centre for Isotopic and Geochemical Research

Geochemical analytical facility for the solid earth, ocean and environmental sciences.

X-Ray Crystallography

Structure solution, refinement, analysis, and graphics output for small molecules.

Usability and Observation Labs

Physical simulation, human measurement, interactive labs and more.

Musqueam First Nation land acknowledegement

We honour xwməθkwəy̓ əm (Musqueam) on whose ancestral, unceded territory UBC Vancouver is situated. UBC Science is committed to building meaningful relationships with Indigenous peoples so we can advance Reconciliation and ensure traditional ways of knowing enrich our teaching and research.

Learn more: Musqueam First Nation

Faculty of Science

Office of the Dean, Earth Sciences Building
2178–2207 Main Mall
Vancouver, BC Canada
V6T 1Z4
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