Graphics and Visual Analytics

Industry » Graphics and Visual Analytics
Canada’s most comprehensive digital media research network and knowledge mobilization engine with the goal of maintaining Canada’s role as a significant player in the global digital economy. GRAND addresses a wide range of complex issues in digital media through receptor-driven interdisciplinary research, training, partnerships, and policies, as well as through the commercial development of emerging research technologies and innovation. Partners include Adobe, AT&T Labs, Boeing, Dell Canada, Google, SAP Canada.
Graphics and human centered technologies groups focused on modeling, rendering, imaging, animation, computer-supported cooperative work and visual analytics. Researchers collaborate locally and internationally with industry and other research institutions. The group's Oscar-winning research has been used for the visual effects seen in many feature films, including Harry Potter movies, and has led to commercialized technology such as the next generation LED-based high dynamic range displays.
Integrate research in artificial intelligence, human computer interaction and cognitive science, to devise novel interfaces that can capture and adapt to specific user needs and preferences. Research topics include user models for cognitive and affective states, preference modeling and elicitation, interactive decision making, intelligent tutoring systems, user-adaptive information visualization and visual interfaces for text analysis.
  • Algolux
  • ITA Inverse Theory and Application Ltd. (Note: acquired by Landmark Graphics)
  • HDR Light Systems, Inc.
  • Exotic Matter (acquired by Autodesk)
  • Cloudburst Research (Acquired by Google)
  • ContextualGenomics
  • Brightside Technologies (acquired by Dolby)
  • Vital Mechanics