The Distillation Blog

Students » The Distillation Blog
As a new student in UBC Science, you’ve successfully registered for your courses for the upcoming school year…but now what?
Other than Co-op, there are numerous on-campus job positions for UBC students to build work experience.
Getting a research position is no easy task; for most departments, if not all, timing is essential.
Summer can be your time to relax, but four months could be a little too much time! If you still have some energy left from the year, taking summer courses may not be a bad idea.
It may feel like there’s nothing you can do and you’ve just forfeited big chunks of your grades, but keep in mind that you have options.
Give back to the community and make the UBC experience great for new and current students.
Learn tips to lessen the stress and anxiety you feel during the final exam period.
You've probably heard already.... you need to choose a specialization (e.g. major) before you can register as a student with second year standing.
Don't give up – this is a perfect opportunity to learn from your mistakes, see why you didn’t do as well as you had hoped, and find strategies to improve your scores in the future.
Failing a course can be very difficult to face. Maybe the subject isn’t your strong suit, or you faced distractions from other courses or personal matters.
