The Distillation Blog

Students » The Distillation Blog
Learn how to get motivated so you can reach your academic and degree goals.
The Faculty of Science has introduced new degree requirements for students starting their BSc degree in September 2018 or later.
One of the key strengths of a Bachelor's Degree is the breadth of your skills and experience.
When you practice and teach others course material, it is easier to remember the information and recall it later on.
Science Peer Academic Coaches (SPAC) help you discover which study methods work best for you.
There is a difference between specialization admission pre-requisites and required first-year courses for a specialization.
Planning is a reflective process. We all know we should do it, but where do we begin?
Mathematics and Physics may be difficult for many students, but with the right strategies, you can succeed.
Vantage students can use this handy guide to select courses for UBC Science.
Know the expectations for you as a student before you begin your university experience.
