Gain career experience

What Employers Are Looking For

One of the key strengths of a Bachelor's Degree is the breadth of your skills and experience.

Your degree is designed, in part, to prepare you for jobs that don't yet exist and so that you can be adaptable as the job market shifts with new technologies and changes. It isn't all about acquiring hands-on skills, but also the continual development of non-technical competencies that develop your career and you as an individual. Some of the top skills you're developing and that translate directly to employable traits are included below:

Alumni Networking Night

What comes after grad? Meet professionals with BSc degrees from diverse work and research fields.

Join us at our annual event where we bring BSc alumni to chat with you about what they got up to after graduation and how they ended up in diverse fields by leveraging their Bachelor of Science degree. You might be surprised at all of the places a BSc can take you. 

Science Case Competition

Love competition? Want to practice your analytical, problem solving, and presentation skills? SCI Team is presenting the annual Science Case Competition where you can flex your Science muscles and synthesize your knowledge to create a comprehensive solution to a real world challenge.
