Graduate student resources

UBC's Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies support graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and the entire UBC graduate community in pursuit of a personal, professional and academic experience second to none.

Visit the GPS site

Professional advancement workshops

UBC Graduate Student Professional Development

The Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies' professional development program offers guides and workshops for graduate students to help them succeed academically and plan for a career after graduation.

MITACS Skills Enhancement Program

In support of MITACS mandate to bridge the academic and industry communities, the network has developed the MITACS Skills Enhancement Program. This program aims to help graduate students and postdoctoral fellows in the MITACS network position themselves as Canada’s future innovators and entrepreneurs by building on existing technical and ‘soft’ skill sets and providing opportunities for them to connect with potential, future employers and collaborators.

Graduate school advice and resources from across the web

How to succeed in science

On being a successful graduate student in the sciences

So long, and thanks for the PhD!

Grad student resources on the web

Maternity and parental leave and support

Communicating and Presenting

Presentation Zen: Blog on giving presentations and making slides

Beyond Bullets Blog

Why PowerPoint is Evil (Edward Tufte)

Srivastava career mentoring workshops resources

Resources and slides based on the interactive sessions of the 2008 and 2010 Vivien M. Srivastava Career Mentoring Workshops.

Learn more about the Srivastava career mentoring initiative

Making the Most of your graduate training

Roadmap to success Personal growth and career growth Find your multiple intelligences profile

Transitioning After the PhD

Panelists' Reading Tips

The Chemistry of Positive Networking

Communication Skills